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"Welcome To My Bing Bong Fireflies Bloger .... And Lets to Enjoy It (^o^)//"

Selasa, 26 April 2011

By My Side - David Choi

I'm just listening to the clock go ticking, 
I am waiting as the time goes by.
I think of you with every breath I take, 
I need to feel your heartbeat next to mine.
You're all I see, in everything.

I just wanna hold you, 
I just wanna kiss you, 
I just wanna love you all my life.

I normally wouldn't say this, 
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever, 
right here by my side.

All the fears you feel inside, 
and all the tears you cry, 
they're ending right here.
I'll heal your heart and soul; 
I'll keep you oh so close.
Don't worry; I'll never let you go.
You're all I need, you're everything.

I just wanna hold you, 
I just wanna kiss you, 
I just wanna love you all my life.

I normally wouldn't say this, 
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever, 
right here by my side.

No one else will ever do.
I got a stubborn heart for you.
Call me crazy, but its true; I love you.
I didn't think that it would be, 
you have made it clear to me.
You're all I need.

I just wanna hold you, 
I just wanna kiss you, 
I just wanna love you all my life.

I normally wouldn't say this, 
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever, 
right here by my side.

"nothing is as sweet as you"

Senin, 25 April 2011

Life Quotes

 The most important thing in loving someone is open wide your ear and heart.

 Fight for the things you love and love the things worth fighting for.

 Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

 Saying goodbye is not always the end of everything, sometimes its a way to open new door.

 Love gives eyes to see what the eye without love cant see.

 Trying to make someone fall in love with you is about as pointless as trying to control who you fall in love with.

 Love never felt so good until you come in.

 If there is anything better than to be loved, it is loving.

 To love is to swear your heart out for that person even when your eyes wont believe it.

 Searching for the right words to say, to explain how I feel, but you leave me completely speechless.

 If nothing lasts forever, I would be your nothing.

 You cant control things that happen to you, but you can control the way you react to them.

 Do all things with LOVE.

 Theres no relationship without arguments and trust issues. But as long as youre trying, it will work out.

 Im not saying I am perfect. Im just saying that I am worth it.

 Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.

 Share your love with smile, for in every smile theres a love in it.

 Everything happens for a reason. But no one ever guaranteed its a GOOD reason.

 If youre brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.

 Life is simple, its just not easy.

Yang Terlewatkan

Kemana kau s’lama ini
Bidadari yang kunanti
Kenapa baru sekarang
Kita dipertemukan

Sesal tak ‘kan ada arti
Karna semua t’lah terjdi
Kini kau t’lah menjalani
Sisa hidup dengannya

Mungkin salahku… Melewatkanmu…
Tak mencarimu… Sepenuh hati…
Maafkan aku…

Kesalahanku… Melewatkanmu…
Hingga kau kini… Dengan yang lain…
Maafkan aku…

Jika berulang kembali
Kau tak akan terlewati
Segenap hati kucari
Di mana kau berada

Walau ku terlambat
Kau tetap yang terhebat
Melihatmu… Mendengarmu…
Kaulah yang terhebat

Suatu saat kamu akan merasakan hal ini Mr. DM

Senin, 11 April 2011

Bersama - EVIDENCE

kita berkumpul di sini berbagi canda berbagi tawa
kita berkumpul bersama berbagi rasa berbagi kisah
seperti ini, yang kan ku rasakan selalu
terlalu indah untuk kita lupakan
terlalu sayang untuk kita lupakan lagi

kita berkumpul di sini berbagi canda berbagi tawa
kita berkumpul bersama berbagi rasa berbagi kisah
huuoo ... ...
seperti ini, yang kan ku rasakan selalu
terlalu indah untuk kita lupakan
terlalu sayang untuk kita lupakan lagi

terlalu indah, untuk kita lupakan
terlalu sayang, untuk kita lupakan lagi

terlalu indah, untuk kita lupakan
terlalu sayang, untuk kita lupakan lagi

terlalu indah, untuk kita lupakan
terlalu sayang,  untuk kita lupakan lagi

click here to enjoy this song :)

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

L O V E "quotes

“Do what makes you happy. Be with who makes you smile & love as long as you live.”

“You're not beside me at this time, but I always be there (in your heart) at many times.”

“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”

"There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved. It is God's finger on man's shoulder.”

“I don't care what they say cause I'm in love with you.”

“I don't want to forget you, I just want to buried our memories deep inside my heart.

“If this love hurt you, it's not a real love. Love can't be pushed or asked. True love never let you down.”

“Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.” 

“Love is just destiny game.

“Love is no matter what happens, I'm always there for you.”

“Love is YOU, yes its YOU!”

“When 2 people are in love, they don't need to say anything; their eyes speak better about how they really feel.”

“I may act like a kid but at least when I say 'I love you', I mean it. Want to know why? Because kids don't“

“Promises are never made to be broken, they might be postpone but they shall be done.”

“Love is there to comfort you up when every hate brings you down and leaves. 

“It isn't LOVE if it doesn't hurt.”


“love is the only flower that grows and blooms without the aid of the season”

“Remember the song when I'm with you. The song that you gave to me.”

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Narendrapawaka's Quotes

 Love it isn’t just “don’t go there” but “let me go with you.

      Love is the sincerity to accept whatever happens to what we love.

 Love is when we dare to sacrifice for someone who we love.

      Love is a hope for a new life, love make you feel perfect if you respect your own relationship.

 Love is like flowers. Grow when the owner cares and die if the owner careless.

      Love is not blind, it sees but it doesn’t mind.

 Love is not blind, it sees but it doesn’t mind.

      Love is finding someone you can’t live without.

 Love is a game. Easy to start. Hard to finish.

      Love is to think about someone else more times in a day than you think about yourself.


1. Cinta kepada Allah adalah puncaknya cinta. Lembahnya cinta adalah cinta kepada sesama.

2. Cinta indah seperti bertepuk dua tangan, tak akan indah jika hanya sebelah saja.
3. Jika rasa cinta itu tak terbalas maka bersyukurlah, karena kamu akan dipilihkan Tuhan yang lebih baik.